Call for Submissions — AMPLIFIED: Voices of the Unheard

The Storytellers Alliance presents:
WHAT’S YOUR STORY A creative anthology of YOUR stories.
Real people. Real life.
Everyone has a story … what’s yours?

We are living through a time of revolutionary change and The Storytellers Alliance wants to encourage you to keep creating during this period of emotional turmoil, division, and transformation, using expressive arts as a pathway to healing and unity. While we are collectively living through the same events, our lives and experiences have been uniquely impacted. Share your individual truth and perspective in the form of literary or visual arts.

Amplified: Voices of the Unheard was created to give you a platform to share your voice. For anyone who has ever felt underrepresented, oppressed, powerless, unseen, or silenced.

These are YOUR stories, YOUR hopes, YOUR visions, and YOUR experiences.

Factors considered for publication will be adherence to guidelines, artistic originality, craftsmanship, and excellence. Submissions can be literary or visual works by emerging or established artists, and prayers from faith leaders.

There is NO FEE to submit.

Include a brief (100 word max) personal bio
All written submissions must be 12pt font Times New Roman
poems (2-4 works)
prose & prayers (up to 1000 words)
art & photography (2-4 works, vertical orientation; include brief description of each piece)
Title each submission: Last Name_genre (essay, poem, CNF, prayer, etc)
NOTE: if submitting multiple items, add number (ex: Smith_poem_1, Smith_poem_2)

If selected, The Storytellers Alliance will craft an announcement for you to share across social media to direct your friends and family where to view your published work on our website, followed with details on how to purchase a copy of the printed anthology. Selected contributors will receive one complimentary copy.

Author or Artist warrants that the submitted work has not been published before in any form, except as a preprint, that the work is not being concurrently submitted to and is not under consideration by another publisher, that the persons listed above are listed in the proper order and that no author or artist entitled to credit has been omitted, and generally that the Author or Artist has the right to make the permissions made to the Publisher complete and unencumbered. The Author or Artist also warrants that the work does not libel anyone, infringe anyone’s copyright, or otherwise violate anyone’s statutory or common law rights.

Authors and Artists reserve rights to submitted work, with implied permission given to The Storytellers Alliance to reserve first serial rights, which means the right to be the first publisher of your selected works, for use online or in print, as part of the community collaboration project Amplified: Voices of the Unheard – A Collection of Poetry, Prose, and Prayers for a Restless Nation, and in the 2020 What’s Your Story Anthology. Following the printed publication of the anthology, all rights revert to the Author or Artist.

In any reproduction by the Author, Artist, or the licensees, the original publication by The Storytellers Alliance must include the following credit line: “First published in the 2020 What’s Your Story Anthology [Amplified: Voices of the Unheard – A Collection of Poetry, Prose, and Prayers for a Restless Nation], published by The Storytellers Alliance, LLC,” and must accompany all instances of replication, online or in print.

Email all submissions as attachments (word doc or JPEGs) with the subject [Amplified submission], to:

Deadline: July 31, 2020

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Thank you for wanting to be a part of our Storytellers family! We sincerely appreciate your support. As much as we love you, we also solemnly swear not to spam you! :-)